Fredagsmys: Home Sweet Home

Scandinavian Small Apartment

If you have followed the blog here you
might have come to realize that Fridays are sacred to me. There is something so lovely about just spending a Friday at home with the people you most love and in a space you are proud to call your own. Whether you are renting or it is yours – whether it is a small space or if it is a large one – it is Friday and a place to come home to.

This week we are showing this little gem which resembles the kind of city apartment which we wish to have one day in Stockholm. Okay…so I am dreaming now, but after all – plenty of the things I show on the blog here are still dreams and visions, so why not go all out?!

Happy Friday friends! If you wish to see our Fredagsmys over at DesignStudio210, join us in on the fun over on our Instagram.


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Credit: Fantastic Frank
Fredagsmys is a Swedish word for the concept of comfort and relaxation. It has a different meaning to each Swede. It might involve the luxury of a glass of wine, candy, great food, company of your loved once, indulging in a book….. Well the imagination for what Fredagsmys means is endless and is all about ‘a feeling’.



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