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13 Benefits of Blogging to improve your development

Blogging has become a “normal” hobby or word that we know about – but what I think is less talked about is the benefits of blogging.
Okay…maybe I am making assumptions too quickly here, in fact, a benefit that has been talked about a lot is the potential to earn money through your blog.
We can see on Google trends that the topic for how to make money blogging in 2020 is trending, but what about other benefits?
What about blogging benefits that can help you develop yourself? Your skills? And potentially even land you a new career?
After all, I am living proof that you can without a degree in marketing and with help of your blog journey land a digital marketing job. Today I am 5 years into this job, climbed up to a leadership role, and earned a nomination as an expert in my field from an industry award.
It is still crazy to me, to think, that all this happened due to the opportunity I took with starting my own blog. If I can do this, so can you.
But how did I do it? Simple! Self-thaught myself through the blog! I kept on learning by doing and enjoying the blog journey. There were few online resources at that time like my own on “how to start a design blog“. So it was all about testing and doing to be able to move forward.
Want to see my blog story…..see it here.
Let’s get back on track speaking about that list of the 13 benefits of blogging, see the full list below.

Benefits on how blogging can benefit and improve you
Improve Your Writing Skills
As an active blogger, you will be developing the art of writing. All from the basics of writing, to how to write for the web or how to write to story-tell.
Practice will make the difference here.
Grow Your Network
Having a strong network of people within the same niche or industry will serve you well for a long time. As Robert Kiyosaki said: “The richest people in the world look to build networks.”
Regardless of the reason why you would have your blog, you will automatically be building your own network of people. And this is to me also one of the most fun things with blogging. To connect with like-minded people.
Become an Expert in the Topic You Write About
Starting a blog does not require you to be an expert on a specific topic. But what will happen as you keep on researching, is that you will be self-training yourself to potentially become one.

Develop In-Demand Skills
With your blog, you will automatically learn new in-demand skills. These can be around marketing, technical, blogging etc.
All these skills are of course serving you a benefit for you to keep on growing and exploring with your blog. But can also serve you purpose in other ways.
You can use these to start to freelance, or maybe even work full-time for a company.
For junior digital marketing roles, I usually look for people who have a clear interest in the topic, and/or already side projects like a blog online. I see more results in these characters than potentially someone just out of school without a side project for themself. But of course, this is a personal opinion here…
To me, having a blog and working on in-demand skills outside of your job, shows curiosity, dedication, and a go-get attitude. Sort of what is required in this fast-paced digital world…

Chance to Speak to Expert People Within Your Niche
This is a point that I think we can all agree on. Without a blog and without really knowing the person, it would be hard to land a chat or an interview with a key expert.
Of course, I am not saying this is not possible without a blog, but a blog helps.
People are usually interested to share tips. People also usually feel honored to be interviewed, since we as humans like to speak about ourself. A benefit here is also if there is a feeling of getting something back in return.
This means that you will have a higher chance of having that 121 chat with your favorite author if you had a blog that spoke about the same topic. Where you might be publishing your conversation as well.
Learn How to Make Money Online
Learning the ins and outs on how it is possible to make money online comes easy when you can actually try it on your own blog.
Through your new blog, you will be able to try out affiliation, ad display, sponsorships etc. Or through discovering different ways of using money through your new skills and contacts you got through your blog. All depending of course on your strategy as well as opportunity.
Grow Your Personal Online Brand or Identity
Having a strong and positive personal identity online can serve beneficial in regards to new employment. This can also be important if you are looking to doing any volunteer work.
If you Google your name, it would be amazing if your employee sees your side project and your social platforms around that. More so, then stumbling upon some image on Facebook that your friends put up. Protect your personal branding.

Feeling of Belonging to a Community
With over 500 million blogs, you will find communities of people who speak about the same or similar topic to your blog.
Of course, you are still unique enough to stand out, but what’s amazing with this, is that you will have a feeling of belonging to a group of people. A group of people with similar hobbies, interests, questions, and passion. I think we can agree that it is a nice feeling to have peers.
Gratitude Feeling of Providing Value and Making a Difference in Someone’s Life
This is one of my favorite benefits – the feeling that what you put out there actually can have a positive impact on another human being.

To know that what you speak about, teach and inspire, actually affects a person’s life in a good and motivating way. To me, this is an amazing feeling…
Becoming More Organized
Whether you are taking your blog seriously as a business or not, your organizational skills will for sure be improved.
You will start to organize your thoughts in Trello boards, and keeping your income reports, and affiliate contacts in one place.
It will just automatically happen out of a need. So do not worry already if you feel you lack this, you will for sure get this as time passes.
Grow Confidence and Be More Brave
Your confidence will grow without you even thinking of it. If you think you will be shy to ask someone to be part of an interview or to reach out to a PR company for a sponsorship deal, believe me, this will change.
When you feel such a passion and curiosity for things, you will not be too focused on being shy to ask. Or being scared of getting a “no”.
You will be fueled with the energy that “you can do this”, which is all inspired by your passion. And your clear focus on serving your audience with the most valuable content you can. Which means you will be and become brave to ask.

Encourage and Teach Consistency in Work Ethics
If you feel like you are lacking the ability to be consistent with things in life today. No worries. The blog will help you to be more consistent in work ethics not only on the blog but also outside the blog as well.
Consistency will be key for you to succeed hence it will be a natural skill-set that you will actively work towards.
Happy Feeling About Life in General
If you are blogging about a topic that you love or have joy in blogging overall, then this hobby or aim to earn a second income will give you joy.
No matter if you feel challenged or not to work your full´-time work and then in the evenings spend time blogging, you will still have that satisfying and happy feeling.
Since this is what you have passion for.

Let me know in the comments what skills you are excited to get your hands on? Or do you have any skills that you would like to suggest we add to the list?
Looking forward to hear…
Hi, I am Caroline. I have been blogging for +10 years. I used blogging as a tool to start a career in Digital Marketing.
I am Caroline, an ex interior design consultant, turned into a content creator, 30+ something Swedish born with an insane passion and interest for design, blogging, and living a meaningful and creative life. Design to me is about creating a (your) story – it is about understanding what matters and how to create something unique and meaningful which speaks and motivates you.