The Triplex Lamp Is Back

90 years after it’s birth, Triplex is back in production looking stylish and practical. It’s calculated that the lamp will hit the market in spring 2011.

So what do you think of Triplex? Isn’t it a showstopper? I can see it working in various spaces; it’s that type of lamp that makes me excited to design.

Credit: Triplex  /Images borrowed from Mackapär

I’m looking forward to see more inspirational photos of the new Triplex.

See Also
Style with open books

The people behind the idea of -taking Triplex into production again- is actually fellow blogger Ulrika and her husband. So excited for them and wishing them the best of luck!

Be sure to follow the process on Ulrikas inspirational blog Mackapär.

  • Kitchen Improved: Yey 🙂 A triplex would look stylish in a kitchen, don't you think? 🙂

  • Hej Sofia. Ja lamporna är underbart snyggga! De kommer säkert bli en favrit hos många.

    Åh, vad roligt. Det visste jag inte. Då ska jag tillägga det. Kanoners, tackar 🙂 Stiligt hem vännerna har, må jag säga.


  • Cool lamp! I love interesting shapes like this.

  • Fullkomligt älskar Triplex-lamporna. De tre sista bilderna kommer från mina vänner Charlotte och Rikard hem (www.charliecharlie).se och är fotade av Dos Family.

    Kram, kram!

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