Countryside Inspired Home With Stunning Features

Ivywood Cottage Countryside home
Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home

Happy week creative people! I want to share with you an interior that I am in love with. – This idyllic cottage interior designed by Studio Gabrielle. The rustic walls and beams…oh my!

There is something magical about seeing interior spaces where a clear intention of keeping the house traditional features has been made. Even though these may have been juxtaposed with newer objects and ways, one can still sense the level of respect.

The Imaginary Story

This is a space that makes one reminded of the past while getting lost in the surrounding nature and landscape.

It is a space to unwind and let the time stand still. It is a place to unplug from all social platforms and truly connect with the story of the building and its setting. – Magic!

Key Takeaway

  • Mix and match new and old objects
  • Juxtapose starkness with softer rustic details
  • Whites + woods

Hope you enjoy this vibe in this interior setting as much as me. Happy creative week!

Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home
Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home

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Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home
Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home


See Also
Dark Scandinavian bedroom interior design

Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home
Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home
Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home
Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home
Ivywood  Cottage Countryside home

Credit: Studio Gabrielle Photography: Beth Davis (© 2019 Beth Davis) found via Cocolapine.


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