A Listing By Bolaget

Another amazingly stunning apartment is listed with real estate company: Bo-laget. The detailing + the exterior and the double doors to the bedroom makes this a ‘hot’ contender in the real estate market.

3 495 000 Swedish crowns and this will be all yours.


  • Hej Lena
    Ja håller med, gröna lamp sladden är ju riktigt tjusig 🙂

  • Stukkaturen + grønn ledning. Herlig!
    Lena | Konfettiform

  • design traveller: great you pointed out the tall windows and high ceiling…love, love, love!

  • Hej Dagny 🙂 Ja ja håller med dig. Utsmyckningen är så väldigt vacker. Tänk om man hade råd med något sånt!

  • Hey Eleni :=)

    Really nice to meet you too. I'm so happy you like my little blog 🙂

    Yey I'm glad you like Swedish interiors. Is the structure of Swedish apartments much different from Greece?

  • Bare stukkaturene i taket får meg til å si ja takk til denne leiligheten 🙂

  • I can't stop admiring swedish interiors! They are so neat and simple and yet not boring at all!
    Love your blog!It's nice to meet you =)
    Eleni of My Paradissi

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