Kurt Arrigo is a Maltese photographer who is passionate about the sea. One can easily tell by visiting his portfolio, as it mostly consists of sailing-, underwater – or other sea related images. Living on this island myself I had a sense of pride when gazing at his work of art. I had to reach out to him straight away as I wanted to get to know where his inspiration came from and more about his style.
“I work on connecting with my subject and expressing the moment” – Kurt Arrigo for DS210
When Kurt started to take photos it was never a question about what to photograph. It straight away fell on what he loves the most; the sea. During our email conversation it was clear to me, not only is he loving the sea but there is a deeper connection than that. He talks about how he observes “the movement […], the wind, action, light […]” and “how we are somehow all so connected”. This movement that he speaks of is exactly what I was drawn to. When observing his photos I feel as the waves and wind pulls me into the photographs. This transports me and gives a taste of the actual moment when the photograph was taken. As he says “I work on connecting with my subject and expressing the moment” and surely that is what we are experiencing.
Credit: Kurt Arrigo
With no doubt Kurt Arrigo’s photos will be on my top selection for using in interior design projects. His sense of style and passion behind his work is what I want to translate into a design concept. As this post comes to an end I feel inspired, and privileged to have gotten to chat with him.
I am Caroline, an ex interior design consultant, turned into a content creator, 30+ something Swedish born with an insane passion and interest for design, blogging, and living a meaningful and creative life. Design to me is about creating a (your) story – it is about understanding what matters and how to create something unique and meaningful which speaks and motivates you.