Tiger Sushi Designed By Joanna Laajisto

Tiger Sushi / Design - Joanna Laajisto / Photo - Milko Ryhänen | Design Studio 210

Tiger Sushi / Design - Joanna Laajisto / Photo - Milko Ryhänen | Design Studio 210

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Let’s start this Monday with a typical Friday and fredagsmys post, since last week I missed to upload one. I could easily picture myself taking an early lunch for some design inspiration at Tiger Sushi, especially on a Monday since I am always craving some extra inspiration to start my work week with.

Tiger Sushi / Design - Joanna Laajisto / Photo - Milko Ryhänen | Design Studio 210
Tiger Sushi / Design - Joanna Laajisto / Photo - Milko Ryhänen | Design Studio 210

The designer behind this space is Joanna Laajisto who as of lately has been highlighted by many bloggers out there. And I am not surprised since her designs feel timeless and posses a feeling of elegance yet simplicity. This space here, Tiger Sushi, I feel has a rather relaxed vibe to it, with a nice balance between Scandinavian and Asian influences, just what I am in the mood for.

Tiger Sushi / Design - Joanna Laajisto / Photo - Milko Ryhänen | Design Studio 210 Tiger Sushi / Design - Joanna Laajisto / Photo - Milko Ryhänen | Design Studio 210 Tiger Sushi / Design - Joanna Laajisto / Photo - Milko Ryhänen | Design Studio 210

Credit: Design - Joanna Laajisto / Photo - Milko Ryhänen

What do you say, would you come over and join me for some sushi at this place?


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