You know those blissful, inspiring interior images that puts a smile to your face? They are perfect, but you can’t seem to pin-point what it is exactly that makes them so special. Maybe they can be described as magical? Hmm, or maybe that’s too cheesy?!
Well cheesy or not, this home gives me just that feel: it gives me a rush of fulfillment, youthfulness and even hope. Now If I knew a way to change life with the owners, only for a day, that would be pretty amazing. A clue: writer + painter + traveller + I suppose that’s giving it all away…opsi, see more here.
- Credit: Vårt Nya Hem Photo by Iben & Nils Ahlberg
Vilket fantastiskt hem, eller hur? På tal om något helt annat: skulle ni vilja ha en liten översättning eller liknande på Svenska? Jag har ju hittills helt och hållet bloggat på engelska, men det känns nästan som att det vore spännande att skriva några rader på svenska också. Ja hmm….det tål att tänkas på, men väntar och ser vad ni tycker 🙂
I am Caroline, an ex interior design consultant, turned into a content creator, 30+ something Swedish born with an insane passion and interest for design, blogging, and living a meaningful and creative life. Design to me is about creating a (your) story – it is about understanding what matters and how to create something unique and meaningful which speaks and motivates you.
Sooooo cooool!!!
Hey Kostas: Agree with you. I would change my place for that any day 😉
Fantastic studio!
Tesol: I'm with you on that!!
Fonda: Yey me too 🙂
love it!
I'm loving the chairs! They look simple and comfortable!
Hey Eleni. hihi :p ….agreeing with you, fab space. Oh and I love the chairs.
Big hug!
hehe, hilarious! Humour is definitely missing from our department a lot..
btw, the workspace in the second photo is stunning! I love..
manuel! Great to hear from you. Aw thanks :)) I'm doing well thanks. What about yourself? School?
holy moly! this is an amazing post and space!!! love it! hope you are doing well!