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Fredagsmys: At A Friends Place
Friday and even though I work on Saturday’s I make an effort to celebrate Fredagsmys. With that being said after too many going-out Friday’s I am sort of wishing to either stay at home or head over to a friends place for some chill time. Having a friend who lives in an apartment like this one – listed over at Alvhemmakleri – would not be wrong.
Imagine this…you head over to your super cool -girlie yet retro styled- friend directly from work. You stopped by to get some Thai food. You ring the bell. She opens. You take of your shoes, and you head straight away in to your favourite part of her home; the picture perfect kitchen. Yup…here I am staying!
Happy Friday friends and hope you enjoy these eye candy photos below from Alvhemmakleri – a real estate company in Sweden who have listed this apartment for sale-.
Credit: Alvhem Makleri
I am Caroline, an ex interior design consultant, turned into a content creator, 30+ something Swedish born with an insane passion and interest for design, blogging, and living a meaningful and creative life. Design to me is about creating a (your) story – it is about understanding what matters and how to create something unique and meaningful which speaks and motivates you.