Design Brings Out The Bad In Me

Image borrowed from LivingEtc by approval

At times I am dreaming away that my ‘studio’, ‘study space’ could be as neat as this one. I am too ashamed to show my desk at the moment. I actually don’t even have space to sit by it. Instead I filled my kitchen table with my laptops, color pens and sketch papers. I share apartment with two very patient people, who ignores all the crap; just hoping that one day that I will be finished with my studies.

My hubby did point out something interesting months ago when he asked ,how come I am so messy while ‘creating’ but at the same time my designs are very clean and sharp. I am a perfectionist in my imaginary world and a ‘mess’ in the real one. This makes me laugh so badly….I know it’s me, but it’s a bit embarrassing to admit. I guess design brings out the bad in me.

  • Well who has time to clean when your busy perfecting a beautiful room? I love the glass desk and green chair in the office you posted!

  • Här är en likadan till. 🙂 Kreativt kaos – kallas det nog. 😉

    Älskar bilden!

  • Åh, jag älskar grönt. Jag orkar inte läsa vad du skrivit eftersom du envisas med att skriva på engelska. Vissa dagar orkar inte min hjärna. 🙂

    Men nu får du logga in på skype för vi måste snacka färgrymd. se så, ärtsoppan tar evigheter så du har tid 😉

  • hey i wasn't sure what blog to comment back on but thank you so much for the lovely comment! it made my day! you have some great stuff to share with the world too 🙂

  • We should start a club for disorganized perfectionists 😉

  • Å, jag är likadan! Skönt att höra att det finns fler ;))

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