Decorating An Apartment On A Budget

With a budget in mind, decorating an apartment can seem intimidating and near impossible. On the contrary do I feel: it’s a perfect time to challenge my knowledge and imagination.

I always start of a project by looking at the exterior in hope of gaining some inspiration for the interior. Inside the space I ask myself: what are my likes and dislikes. Very often I scan the space for imperfections, perhaps those can be reversed into focal points, or simply be what sets my mood in the room. I strongly believe {oh gee that sounds so forceful, excuse me..} that a successful design is achieved when one pays attention to what’s already existing, especially when no modification can be done.

Regarding the decoration I found some inspiration in this home; where thrift finds have got a second chance to shine.

What are your budget friendly tips?

See Also
Design Studio 210 worst living room mistake tips

Credit: Hus och Hem -Photo by Pernilla Hed {thanks Eleni for the dining room inspiration}

  • Fonda, sweet those are some great tips. Second hand websites I do occasionally browse through Ebay but that's about it.

    Any tips on more web pages?

    I love the way she created dimension with the frames….clever girl 🙂

  • Miles of Style: So nice to meet you. yey and thanks for your lovely comment. It's so nice to know that I can inspire with my blog posts. I have been pulling away from writing personal tips here on the blog or how I perceive things, but perhaps that's the way to go 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me back to blog more.

    Yeah I love this home too. What I did not mention is that the owner she is an architect student. One can tell she has a sense of style and eye for where to place things 🙂

    You also have a nice blog. :)) Looking forward to design talk with you.

  • Hey Melissah It's so nice to meet you. I'm glad that I can inspire you and I already checked out your blog: keeping my eyes on you now :p Very inspiring.

    Are you practicing Interior Design at the moment? That's my 'soon to be job', but you might have figured that out already hehe 🙂

    Thanks again for your sweet comment. Very kind of you :))

    Hugs from a freezing Sweden

  • oh i really like the frames within the frames. that is nice!

    my tip is to bargain shop – thrift stores, garage sales, and second hand websites!

  • what a nice home…i love how you mentioned taking inspiration from the outdoors for the interiors…im quite inspired to think like that now too.

    just stumbled upon your blog via My Paradissi and i have to say its LOVELY! do drop by mine too when you have some time. perhaps we can follow each other. 🙂


  • I just discovered you blog & loved it. I'm an interior designer from Melbourne, Australia & I found it very inspiring. Blogging is all new to me but I have just set up my own blog
    You may like to check it out because I had so much fun doing it. It's got a bit of everything fashion, interiors, food, travel spots – hopefully you will find something in there that you like.
    Thanks for providing me with such great entertainment!

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