Image borrowed from Living Etc by approval
*Empty mind*
********tired mind****
filled soul*************
Caroline Broman
I am Caroline, an ex interior design consultant, turned into a content creator, 30+ something Swedish born with an insane passion and interest for design, blogging, and living a meaningful and creative life. Design to me is about creating a (your) story – it is about understanding what matters and how to create something unique and meaningful which speaks and motivates you.
Design traveller: Yeah 🙂
I like it a lot. It's very stylish, jet unpretentious 🙂
Hey Ashlina and Charlotta 🙂 I am glad you guys liked it as well 🙂
Design Trvaeller:I agree with you: the graphic is great and makes itself beautiful in the space.
Faith: Pink 🙂
A very beautiful design but if I own this room? I'll definitely go for pink. LOL.
Nice architecture blog & good design. You have beautifully maintained, you must try this website which really helps to increase your traffic. hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
great graphic on the wall…
That lamp… *sigh* So much personality!
Love this room and the perfect way those studs line up with the panels..
Nice find.
definitely in love with this photo….