Following A Red Thread

Aren’t spaces that follow a red thread throughout its various rooms much easier to perceive? For example this home is stunning. The three rooms all tie together and creates somewhat a cohesive home.

If that only was the case, this home is actually part of the yellow amazing hallway that I showed yesterday. Don’t they feel like they are two different interior moods? I’m inspired by both of them but not as a whole. Hmm, I’m curios to hear what you think.

See Also
Spring minimal bedroom idea wall color

  • I love this bedroom, the big mirror is just FABULOUS!

  • Hej Sandra

    Ja man kanske får en helt annan känsla om man är inne i lgh.

  • Jag håller det är helt olika inredningsstilar jämfört med hallen. Skulle vara kul att se det med egna ögon.

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