A Home Of An Interior Designer

Fantastic home: and what a table! Apparently the homeowner, is an interior designer and the table is a design by her.

See Also
Scandinavian minimalist interior design

I find it amusing to look into homes of designers and alike. Do you think that one can judge an interior designers skills by looking at her/his home?

  • Hey matt!

    Yeah, again it's interesting to hear your opinion.

    A lecturer once told me a story of when she was competing of getting a job with another lady, and they picked my tutor just because of her dress style.

    I'm glad you found those chairs. Still can't believe how quick you found it 🙂 I Might have to turn to you then if I want a product researched 😉

  • I'd like to see a certain creative spark in their personal dress or own interior design, but it doesn't have to be to my personal taste. Anyway, I'm sure you can spot a creative a mile off from their dress sense.

    As for designers' own homes not living up to the standards they set for clients, I can very much believe this. Putting all your creative energy into your clients can mean little left over for home.

    Hope you can find those chairs.

  • Hey matt_moxx.

    I'm glad you meantioned those chairs, coz they are indeed worth talking about. I don't know where they are from, but I will ask around.

    I loved your input and thanks for giving me your opinion on designers homes.

    Like you said I think that by looking at them we get a grasp of their 'personal design preferences'. Believe it or not I have actually known designers who design impeccable interior settings but who don't bother too much of their own home.

    So if you were given the knowledge on how x amount of designers lived + dressed would that be a major part in your decision making?

  • Hej Helena. Visst blir man lite avis att man inte bor sådär…;)

  • Love those dining chairs too, any idea where they are from?

    I'd say looking at a designers home will give one an idea of their skills and show their personal design preferences, however a good designer should be able to design to clients tastes and so a true judgment of their skills should come from a wider portfolio of work.

    Of course a designer without a lovely home is a bit odd….

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