A Photo Blog + Inspiring People

  • Credit 1, 2, 3,  Photo by Michael Mundy   /Image borrowed from Dwell by approval

Michael Mundy, does it ring a bell? I was totally oblivious to who this photographer was until I bumped into his name and photos over at Dwell. I’m sure happy I did.

He apparently keeps a blog called ‘An Afternoon With‘; where he collects images he takes from visiting peoples home. It’s sort of a close concept to what Selby is.

See Also
Apricot living room design with art in focus

Do you know of any blogs like ‘An Afternoon With’ and ‘Selby’?

  • designtraveller: thanks 🙂 I might be able to google it. Solid frog, that blog sounds familiar, I will take a look, thanks for the tip.

    Yeah I also like the poster, but funny, I did not pay attention to the language. Are you saying they are valuable, as in money? Interesting.

  • Hej Åsa. Vad roligt att du titta förbi 🙂

    Åh vad kul att höra. Det är fortfarande så mycket som skall fixas, men så lite tid. Måste ta mig an att sortera katogorierna :I …

  • I saw a blog with photos from artists homes a while ago, but can not remember now…

    I think Solid frog posts photos taken at her friends homes, but she has her own style.

    I like the Russian poster… they are so valuable right now!

  • Hej! Vad roligt att du tittade in hos mig, och kul att hitta hit! Mycket snyggt, ska kika runt lite mera. =)

  • Man blir så inspirerad 🙂

    Men är det inte lite konstigt att sitta och kolla på sig själv i spegeln när man jobbar…hmm

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